NOVL @ YALLWEST 2023 Schedule
It’s April, and y’all know what that means! At the end of this month, we’ll be journeying to the far-off land of Santa Monica, California to partake in the legendary YALLWEST! This year is going to be tons of fun and we can’t wait to see our fellow bookworms there. If you’re going, be sure to stop by our booth and say hi and check out our schedule of events and giveaways below! See YALL soon! *wink*
10:00 AM • Hot Goss Giveaway
11:00 AM • Poisonously Good
Follow @thenovl on Instagram and keep an eye out for the password! The first few people to come to the booth with the correct password will snag some limited edition Belladonna swag!
12:00 PM • M. K. Lobb Q&A + Signing
Join us at Barnum Lot for a conversation with Savannah and M. K. Lobb, author of Seven Faceless Saints
1:00 PM • Thriller Roulette
Roll the dice, win a thrilling prize!
2:00 PM • Keeping It Real Giveaway
3:00 PM • The Hawthorne Puzzle Hour
Test your puzzle-solving skills to win some limited edition swag from The Inheritance Games!
4:00 PM • Got a Sense I’d Been Betrayed Giveaway