Cover Reveal: Brighter Than The Sun by Daniel Aleman

Daniel Aleman is back, baby! And he’s bringing us another tear-jerker! Those of you who read Indivisible will already know what a genius he is, and those of you who haven’t – well you should go do that right now. Well, in a couple of minutes after you gaze upon the glorious cover for his second book, Brighter Than the Sun. And let me tell you, brighter than the sun indeed! This cover is absolutely stunning – the detail work, the colors! Ooh! And the book inside is just as wonderful! Now enough of my gabbing, where’s that cover?!

Brighter Than The Sun by Daniel Aleman


Brighter Than The Sun

by Daniel Aleman

Every morning, sixteen-year-old Sol wakes up at the break of dawn in her hometown of Tijuana, Mexico and makes the trip across the border to go to school in the United States. Though the commute is exhausting, this is the best way to achieve her dream: becoming the first person in her family to go to college.

When her family’s restaurant starts struggling, Sol must find a part-time job in San Diego to help her dad put food on the table and pay the bills. But her complicated school and work schedules on the US side of the border mean moving in with her best friend and leaving her family behind.
With her life divided by an international border, Sol must come to terms with the loneliness she hides, the pressure she feels to succeed for her family, and the fact that the future she once dreamt of is starting to seem unattainable. Mostly, she’ll have to grapple with a secret she’s kept even from herself: that maybe she’s relieved to have escaped her difficult home life, and a part of her may never want to return.



NOVL - Headshot photo of Daniel AlemanAbout the Author

Daniel Aleman is the award-winning author of Indivisible. Born and raised in Mexico City, he has lived in various places across North America and is currently based in Toronto, where he is on a never-ending search for the best tacos in the city. Brighter Than the Sun is his second novel.