NOVL Booktober Wrap Up
Alright my spooky, scary bookworms! Halloween is upon us and that means it’s officially the end of Booktober! For those of you who joined us, thank you so much for reading along! And for those of you who just watched from the sidelines, we hope we inspired you to pick up a scary book or two! Or, better yet, if you’re a year-round horror reader maybe this blog will tell you what to read next! ANYWAY! If you’re looking for a last-minute read for Halloween or just want to see what we all read over the course of this month, here it is! Our Booktober recap! Check below to see what our team read for each of the themes, starting with last week’s theme of WITCHY!
Witchy Books We Read
Haunted Books We Read

In Search of Dracula: The History of Dracula and Vampires Completely Revised by Raymond T. McNally and Radu Florescu (Adult, not YA)