Introduce Yourself
Hello, fellow bookworms! I’m Liz Kossnar, Senior Editor at LBYR. If you had asked me as a teen that I would have a chance to work on the types of books I would pull all-nighters for, I wouldn’t have been able to dream that this job exists. But here I am!
Favorite Book of All Time
OF ALL TIME?? I’ll say that my favorite book I read as a teen that has become a big part of myself is Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty and her entire Jessica Darling series. Me, yes, me! H20! Marcus Flutie! This may mean little to you, but if you know, YOU KNOW.
Favorite LBYR Book
I love love love The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black. It’s such a fresh take on a world rampant with vampires and the race to get to the walled-in vampire Coldtown is so fast-paced and juicy. Sigh.
A signed book on your shelf
Scythe by Neal Shusterman. It’s one of my favorite YA books written by one of my favorite YA authors. AND was actually an assistant on this book, so my name is in the acknowledgements!
A Non Bookish item
I have a very luxurious pink velvet shell chair that I bought just for reading! My black cat Piggy has claimed it as her own, but I manage to squeeze beside her enough to be able to curl in and get lost in a good book.
A Literary Obsession
Because I read so much for my job in children’s publishing, I make sure to give myself enough time to “clean my palette” with an literary fiction book (for adults) at least once a month. A few years ago, I made it a point to focus on women and BIPOC authors and it’s been my favorite activity to read those stories.
Favorite cover
I really love the cover for American Girls by Alison Umminger and for a while I wanted any book I worked on to look like that. It was a constant reference point that I’m sure designers all loved. :)